Thursday 5 May 2011

Vector Typography

I used my image from the natural typography brief to make a vector path image.

Natural Typography

"Typography designers create typefaces and fonts all the time … but how often is type found/built/hiding in our everyday surroundings?  Its time to open your eyes and see the world in a new way, you could find these shapes on monumental sculptures and buildings or on a postage stamp or the bottom of a cup of coffee."

I had to do the same idea as the everyday typography but instead of using everyday objects/packaging I used building or objects that are permanent. To begin I did some research online for types of natural typography that I liked.

I then did my own version of natural type and saved one as colour and as black and white.

Everyday Typography

"Characters/letters are everywhere, exterior/interior, directional, information
signage etc.  As a designer, what will catch your eye? When photographing
the letter ‘H’, is that the best example of a ‘H’ that you have seen today? Will
it suit your pictorial alphabet"

I looked online at different everyday typography and also used the website before I started taking my own pictures of the alphabet. Below are some pictures that I like of the alphabet.

After doing some research I tried it out on my own and came up with the pictures shown below: