Tuesday 26 April 2011

Newspaper Spread

"Design a grid system for a newspaper spread. Populate the pages with your stories/events/interviews/photography that is part of your everyday
encounters. Your homelife/fellow students/life in halls/travel information
etc. The imagery should be first hand photography, the
headings/subheadings/quotes/captions etc should all be relative"

I have decided to do my spread on a Student magazine as I have been at University for the past 2 years now and lived in student halls for both of these years I feel I have the right information to put into the content.

Below are some examples I have looked at and felt stood out to me in some way which was inspiring when coming to desgin my own.

I begun with downloading some different fonts to use for my spread and narrowed them down to four different choices shown below. 

I wanted to create a background image for the cover sheet so I played around in photoshop until I came up with something that would stand out. Below is the image I created in photoshop before I inserted it into my inDesign document. I also created a banner from this image to use on the centerfold pages which I will also show below.

I decided against using the banner in the magazine as I didn't like the way it looked in the final image. Below shows my final outcome:

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Poster For Tomorrow

The right to education is recognised as a human right and is understood to establish an entitlement to education. According to the Internation Covenant on Economicm, Social and Cultural Rights the right to education includes the right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all in particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education as well as an obligation to develop access to higher education. 

I looked online at different types of posters to help me get some inspiration before designing my own.

These posters where all entered for to the Poster For Tomorrow competition for last years 'Death is not justice'

I took a picture of my friends little brother to use for my poster, after bringing it into photoshop and editing it, the final piece is shown below.

I also designed another poster scanning in a handprint and writing I did with paint. I brought these images into photoshop and edited them until I got my final outcome.