Tuesday 26 April 2011

Newspaper Spread

"Design a grid system for a newspaper spread. Populate the pages with your stories/events/interviews/photography that is part of your everyday
encounters. Your homelife/fellow students/life in halls/travel information
etc. The imagery should be first hand photography, the
headings/subheadings/quotes/captions etc should all be relative"

I have decided to do my spread on a Student magazine as I have been at University for the past 2 years now and lived in student halls for both of these years I feel I have the right information to put into the content.

Below are some examples I have looked at and felt stood out to me in some way which was inspiring when coming to desgin my own.

I begun with downloading some different fonts to use for my spread and narrowed them down to four different choices shown below. 

I wanted to create a background image for the cover sheet so I played around in photoshop until I came up with something that would stand out. Below is the image I created in photoshop before I inserted it into my inDesign document. I also created a banner from this image to use on the centerfold pages which I will also show below.

I decided against using the banner in the magazine as I didn't like the way it looked in the final image. Below shows my final outcome:

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